Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax12i.Scn.Fnt MODULE SortBasics; (* jr/21jul94 *) (* An Oberon project consists of three parts: Data: data structure with procedures to create and modify it. If creation or modification has visual impact, the display routines are triggered by sending messages... Display: implements an extended frame structure with an own handler to process Oberon and other messages. Screen output is only done via this module! Commands: procedures putting the data and display stuff together SortBasics implements the Data and Display part. SortPlus is the Commands module implementing the sorting algorithms. IMPORT SYSTEM, C:=Coroutines, D:=Display, Fonts, MV:=MenuViewers, Oberon, T:=Texts, TF:=TextFrames, V:=Viewers; CONST N=150; redraw=0; dot=1; (* message identifiers *) Data* = ARRAY N OF INTEGER; Process* = POINTER TO ProcessRec; ProcessRec = RECORD next: Process; busy: BOOLEAN; routine: C.PROCESS; p: C.PROC; data: Data; x, y: INTEGER; title: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (D.FrameMsg) id: INTEGER; (* what's to do *) p: Process; (* who needs update *) x: INTEGER (* where *) END; list, cur: Process; main: C.PROCESS; dataToSort: Data; seed: LONGINT; i: INTEGER; stk: POINTER TO ARRAY 6, 300000 OF CHAR; (* all Data stuff *) PROCEDURE Get*(i: INTEGER; VAR val: INTEGER); BEGIN[i]; C.TRANSFER(cur.routine, main) END Get; PROCEDURE Put*(i, newVal: INTEGER); VAR m: UpdateMsg; BEGIN; m.p:=cur; m.x:=i; V.Broadcast(m); (* remove old dot *)[i]:=newVal; V.Broadcast(m); (* draw new dot *) C.TRANSFER(cur.routine, main) END Put; PROCEDURE NewData*(VAR d: Data; n: INTEGER); VAR m: UpdateMsg; BEGIN dataToSort:=d;; cur:=list; WHILE cur # NIL DO; m.p:=cur; V.Broadcast(m); END; END NewData; PROCEDURE Install*(p: C.PROC; n: INTEGER; s:ARRAY OF CHAR); m: UpdateMsg; new: Process; BEGIN IF list=NIL THEN n:=0; NEW(list); new:=list ELSE n:=1; new:=list; WHILE DO INC(n); END; NEW(; END;; new.p:=p; COPY(s, new.title);; new.x:=(N+20)*(n DIV 2)+20; new.y:=-(N+20)*((n MOD 2)+1);; m.p:=new; V.Broadcast(m) (* draw sortfield *) END Install; PROCEDURE Schedule*; allDone: BOOLEAN; (* stk: ARRAY 6, 3000 OF CHAR; *) BEGIN cur:=list; i:=0; WHILE cur#NIL DO C.NEWPROCESS(cur.p, stk[i], cur.routine); cur.busy:=TRUE;; INC(i) END; REPEAT allDone:=TRUE; cur:=list; WHILE cur#NIL DO IF cur.busy THEN C.TRANSFER(main, cur.routine); allDone:=FALSE END; END UNTIL allDone END Schedule; PROCEDURE Done*; BEGIN cur.busy:=FALSE; C.TRANSFER(cur.routine, main) END Done; PROCEDURE RND*(max: INTEGER): INTEGER; CONST a=16807; m=2147483647; q=m DIV a; r=m MOD a; BEGIN IF max<2 THEN RETURN 0 END; seed:=a*(seed MOD q)-r*(seed DIV q); IF seed < 0 THEN seed:=seed+m END; RETURN SHORT(seed MOD max) END RND; (* all Display stuff *) PROCEDURE Dot(f: D.Frame; x, y: INTEGER); (* the values x, y are frame coordinates. *) BEGIN (* Out.String("Dot: x="); Out.Int(x, 0); Out.String("y="); Out.Int(y, 0); Out.Ln; *) D.DotC(f, D.white, f.X+x, f.Y+f.H+y, D.invert) END Dot; PROCEDURE Redraw(clip: D.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; p: Process); (* x, y are absolute screen coordinates *) CONST TextH=12; VAR i: INTEGER; PROCEDURE WriteString(f: D.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; s:ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR dx, i, h, w, x0, y0: INTEGER; p: LONGINT; BEGIN i:=0; WHILE s[i]#0X DO D.GetChar(Fonts.Default.raster, s[i], dx, x0, y0, w, h, p); D.CopyPatternC(clip, D.white, p, x+x0, y+y0, D.replace); INC(x,dx); INC(i); END; END WriteString; BEGIN INC(x, p.x); INC(y, p.y); D.ReplConstC(clip,, x, y-TextH, N, N+TextH, D.replace); D.ReplConstC(clip, D.white, x-1, y-1, N+1, 1, D.replace); D.ReplConstC(clip, D.white, x+N, y-1, 1, N+1, D.replace); D.ReplConstC(clip, D.white, x, y+N, N+1, 1, D.replace); D.ReplConstC(clip, D.white, x-1, y, 1, N+1, D.replace); WriteString(clip, x, y-TextH, p.title); FOR i:=0 TO N-1 DO D.DotC(clip, D.white, x+i,[i], D.invert) END; END Redraw; PROCEDURE Modify(f: D.Frame; id, dy, y, h: INTEGER); VAR clip: D.Frame; p: Process; BEGIN IF id=MV.reduce THEN (* reduce *) IF dy#0 THEN D.CopyBlock(f.X, f.Y+dy, f.W, h, f.X, y, D.replace) END ELSE (* extend *) IF dy#0 THEN D.CopyBlock(f.X, f.Y, f.W, f.H, f.X, f.Y+dy, D.replace) END; (* clear new area *) NEW(clip); clip.X:=f.X; clip.Y:=y; clip.W:=f.W; clip.H:=h-f.H; D.ReplConst(, clip.X, clip.Y, clip.W, clip.H, D.replace); (* redraw all data *) p:=list; WHILE p#NIL DO Redraw(clip, f.X, y+h, p); END END; f.Y:=y; f.H:=h END Modify; PROCEDURE Handler(f: D.Frame; VAR m: D.FrameMsg); BEGIN IF m IS MV.ModifyMsg THEN (* enlarge or reduce viewer *) WITH m: MV.ModifyMsg DO Modify(f,, m.dY, m.Y, m.H) END ELSIF m IS Oberon.InputMsg THEN WITH m: Oberon.InputMsg DO IF THEN Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, m.X, m.Y) END END ELSIF m IS Oberon.CopyMsg THEN (* System.Grow or System.Copy *) WITH m: Oberon.CopyMsg DO NEW(m.F); m.F.handle:=f.handle (* m.F.handle := Handler doesn't work!! *) END ELSIF m IS UpdateMsg THEN WITH m: UpdateMsg DO IF THEN Dot(f, m.p.x+m.x,[m.x]) ELSE Redraw(f, f.X, f.Y+f.H, m.p) END END END END Handler; PROCEDURE Open*; m: TF.Frame; t: T.Text; buf: T.Buffer; f: D.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; v: MV.Viewer; BEGIN (* create menu frame and read menu string from file *) m:=TF.NewMenu("SortPlus", ""); NEW(t); T.Open(t, "SortPlus.Menu.Text"); NEW(buf); T.OpenBuf(buf); T.Save(t, 0, t.len, buf); T.Append(m.text, buf); (* initialize the main frame *) NEW(f); f.handle:=Handler; (* get a proposal where to open a new viewer... *) Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Mouse.X, x, y); (* ...and open it there with the created menu and main frame *) v:=MV.New(m, f, TF.menuH, x, y) END Open; BEGIN NEW(stk); list:=NIL; seed:=Oberon.Time(); FOR i:=0 TO N-1 DO dataToSort[i]:=i END; END SortBasics.Open